No-Mayo Almond Chicken Salad

by Carolina Jantac, MS, RD, LD   •  Jump to Recipe article

o-mayo Almond Chicken Salad recipe with a side of our commitment to you!

“We, the employee-owners of OANB, produce superior products for our customers. We are committed to sustainability, and we spread integrity.”

That’s our mission statement, our winning proposition: we spread integrity.

Let’s focus on the “committed to sustainability” part of our mission. We are proud to have a Green Team at Once Again that among other things, has an active Food Waste Reduction Program. Here is the highlight from our website:

From farm to fork, more than 40% of all food is wasted. Food is one of the largest problems of landfill waste. Our team also has looked at our company’s food waste and what we can do to be even better about reducing it with the goal of one day completely eliminating it. Since our company’s inception, we have donated food byproducts to area animal lovers and farms who feed our products to their pets, livestock, and local wildlife, such as filling their personal birdfeeders. Our byproducts include food waste created when we change over our lines, skins on peanuts, spills off of our roasters and lines, and product that doesn’t meet our taste profile, etc. We also have food waste that cannot be donated to area animal enthusiasts such as outdated products, or products that don’t pass our quality testing. These items are sent to a local company who takes our food waste and upcycles it into an energy source, such as electricity. They do this through a process known as anaerobic digestion.

What does this all have to do with today’s No-mayo almond chicken salad recipe? Glad you asked!

At the household level, food waste is an even larger contributor to the abundant waste of our food supply. Today’s recipe looks at utilizing some foods that are commonly discarded in the process of preparation. Broccoli is a popular vegetable high in nutrients and rich in fiber. Often prepared for dinner as a side item. Broccoli florets are steamed and consumed by all, yet the stalk is tossed due to its tougher consistency. Broccoli stalk is 100% edible, rich in fiber and carries most of the same vitamins and minerals found in the florets. This recipe turns broccoli stalks into the main ingredient in a delicious Almond Chicken Salad!

When preparing broccoli florets, simply save the stalk, grate it into thin long strips. Toss them with grated alike carrots, cabbage, and whatever else you’d like (or have in hand) to make a ‘broccoli slaw’. The rest of the salad preparation is simple as described below in our recipe card. If you have more broccoli slaw than you need for this recipe, another fantastic way to consume it is to lightly steam and toss with a marinara sauce. Sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese and have a low carbohydrate, gluten- free “spaghetti.”

Also check out our recipe for Barbecue Peanut Chicken!


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