Your Health Matters

Allergen Awareness
We have a dedicated peanut facility that produces only peanut products and is segregated from the main facility. At our main facility, we manufacture almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and soy products. We have dedicated equipment and areas to segregate these commodities as much as possible, but there is still a slight possibility of cross-contamination.
Certified Gluten Free
We’ve worked hard to ensure that our products can be enjoyed by those with Celiac Disease or are otherwise gluten-intolerant. All of our products are certified gluten-free by Celiac Sprue, which recognizes that they do not contain wheat, barley, rye, or common oats, and are manufactured to meet the standards of the National Celiac Association.
We strive to ensure that no animal testing or animal derivatives are used in the growing or manufacturing of our nut and seed products.
Food Safety
We have the highest level certification for Safe Quality Foods (SQF), a leading global food safety and quality certification program. SQF provides independent certification that Once Again’s food safety and quality management system complies with international and domestic food safety regulations.
Meet Rocky
Why a Raccoon?
When Once Again was just starting out, four baby raccoons were found near the factory. Our employees adopted them, raised them on nut butter, and being a big Beatles fan, co-founders Jeremy and Connie named one Rocky Raccoon.
The Once Again family helped the baby raccoons in their early months and then released them into the forest. To this day, our byproducts are donated to area farms and nature lovers who use them to feed animals. Rocky has become a symbol of our closeness to nature and responsibility to the earth.