Lemon Tahini Granola

by Carolina Jantac, MS, RD, LD   •  Jump to Recipe article

Who wants Lemon Tahini Granola for breakfast? During a time when nutrition-based information is ever-changing and confusing, we still have some reassuring news to repeat: eating breakfast and exercising daily are healthy habits to maintain, and they have been proven, solid as cement, by years of research. Yet, even better news was recently published regarding breakfast recently. Researchers studied the effects of eating breakfast versus fasting overnight before an hour of exercise, in this case, referring to cycling. Even though the breakfast offered wasn’t as appetizing as we would have liked, the consumption of porridge made with milk two hours before exercise demonstrated an increase in the rate at which the body burned carbohydrates during exercise. Furthermore, it also impacted the rate the body digested, and metabolized food eaten after exercise as well! The study only included 12 healthy male cyclists; the porridge did not vary. Of course, more research needs to be conducted, but it is a great start, laden with good news!

Rob Edinburgh, who co-led the study, said: “We also found that breakfast before exercise increases carbohydrate burning during exercise, and that this carbohydrate wasn’t just coming from the breakfast that was just eaten, but also from carbohydrate stored in our muscles as glycogen. This increase in the use of muscle glycogen may explain why there was more rapid clearance of blood sugar after ‘lunch’ when breakfast had been consumed before exercise.”

As a nutritionist, I have long been a believer in the need to fuel the body pre-and- post-exercise. In addition, what you fuel your body with may be the second most important decision you make. The study did not look at the macro-nutrient break down of the foods consumed. This leaves us waiting for further research for better understanding. In the meantime, we can use knowledge from other studies and practices to help us decide what to eat for breakfast. One thing we know for sure, breakfast must taste good! Porridge just didn’t seem to fit the bill here. Instead, how about a gourmet-style, homemade, nutrient-filled granola that you can enjoy dry or over yogurt or milk?

One of our more versatile recipes, Lemon Tahini Granola is made with our Once Again Tahini and Killer Bee Honey. The other ingredients are mere suggestions— you can change them or add in as you wish. We tested the combination below, and it delivered a winning flavor. The zest of lemon enhanced by the tartness of the cranberries, all blended perfectly with the sweetness of honey and natural flavors of our Once Again Tahini. Enjoy it, and don’t forget, we love to see your creative versions of our recipes! Comment below; rate our recipes, and tag us on social media.


1 comment

  • Amanda

    I love this idea! I added more lemon (like, a lot more- a full zested lemon and juice of two), and only used oats, as I didn’t have the cereal.

    Only major change i would recommend is to not add the dried fruit until it’s over- they didn’t need to cook

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